Tonino Amurri – Monday afternoon, treacherously, Raiuno broadcast a full hour of Mina – Il Giorno 21.03.1989

By Tonino Amurri – il Giorno

“Monday afternoon, treacherously, Raiuno broadcast a full hour of Mina. Which is not nice. To those of us who watch the poor non-stop performances of the singers currently on the public square and unfortunately on video, such a musical and visual shock could provide dangerous bouts of rejection. Mina is a miracle of musicality that millions of us judge to be unrepeatable (in fact, it has yet to be repeated). However, it is good for RAI to provide us with the pleasure of reviewing it, yes, but in small doses, so as not to upset our balance as Festivalbar viewers. Give us Mina, what do I know, in the morning at 9:30. Then at 10 o’clock. Then maybe at 11:15. Then much later, at 12 noon. Then after the 1:30 p.m. TG1. Then at 4 p.m., 5 p.m., 6 p.m., 7 p.m. and 8 p.m., then 10 p.m. And at 24. Of every day.
Here, no more.”
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They say about her

11 November 2023


Gino Castaldo – Mina the unattainable: the new song of the faceless voice

Tonight Mina has crazy hair and a dress on which sequins shine. Pale. Thin, her eyes dilated by neurotic anger, the girl wrings her hands to overcome the disgust of the strangers breathing on her.
We are in a ballroom on the outskirts of Turin. With two thousand five hundred liras each (almost two days’ work) the young men of the neighborhood paid themselves, for one hour, for the physical presence of Italy’s most famous “screamer”; the lucky ones, now, surround her little table, under the orchestra.

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Giorgio Bocca – The jukebox is too tight for Mina – ll Giorno 11.12.1960

Tonight Mina has crazy hair and a dress on which sequins shine. Pale. Slender, her eyes dilated with neurotic rage, the girl wrings her hands to overcome the disgust of strangers breathing down on her.
We are in a dance hall on the outskirts of Turin. With two thousand five hundred liras each (almost two days’ work) the young men of the neighborhood paid themselves, for one hour, for the physical presence of Italy’s most famous “screamer”; the lucky ones, now, surround her little table, under the orchestra.

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Oriana Fallaci – The siren of twenty years – The European 05.02.1961

But who, then, is this girl who in not even two years has become a kind of myth of Italians young and old, poor and rich, suckers and smart, communists and Catholics, and in one minute earns as much as a magistrate earns in a month (one hundred and fifty thousand traffic circles), in one week collects six covers of authoritative weeklies, and if you say you have never seen her sing they treat you as an ignoramus, a traitor to the fatherland, or a cretin?

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Tony di Corcia from “Mina Viva lei” – Clichy Editions 2023

It has become very difficult to write about Mina.
This oh-so-round and fateful birthday of 80, which falls today, has already been consumed by streams of words, hordes of footage, odd images.
Everything seems already said. Premature retirement in 1978-an anti-media seclusion-made her forever young.

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