Vanity Fair no. 5/2015

Is there still room for dreams?

Dear Mina, in this time of black crisis, the twenty-fifth Telethon TV marathon on Rai networks, which ended on Dec. 14, 2014, raised 31.3 million. What’s your idea of this? William

I say angels live and endure in these parts. And which, as is very evident, are not few. May God, or whoever, bless the Italians. Always. I salute you, William.

Makeup and hair

I often rewatch your Rai films on YouTube, where you are always changing your dress, hairstyle, makeup. Was it a pleasure for you to be so changeable or did the hours spent being backcombed, lacquered, “waxed” weigh on you? Thank you, Mimmo

Oh, Signuur, Mimmo, here we go again with the usual questions of cosmic scope… Boh, I don’t remember… Of course it wasn’t really fun, but the “technicians” who took care of me were so wonderful that the pain in the ass turned into pure enjoyment. In this regard I send a huge kiss to Roberto Centanni. A bbòno…

An unforgettable afternoon

I am a make-up artist and I still keep the beautiful memory of an afternoon with you at Mauro Balletti’s house and a dedication you wrote on one of my drawings: it gave me the strength to go on. Today, as 20 years ago, I find myself fighting against total homophobic ostracism from press offices and fashion agencies. They just published an editorial of mine : the editor is the only one who believes in me, but the first comments that came in were insulting. I don’t know whether I am an artist or not. I would be flattered to have your opinion about the photos. I have immense respect for you, and if even according to your thinking I am “total crap,” I take a step back: I am tired of fighting windmills. I also thank you and hug you for that afternoon 20 years ago. Maximilian

Maximilian, my friend, I don’t feel I can decide about your life. Are you crazy? I could never. Ask Mauro’s opinion instead, who has more qualifications to give you more than just a technical opinion. Hugs to you.

Between certainties and passions

A few years ago I asked you for advice about the future, college, work. On which path to follow, between certainty and passion. I was little, but I decided to listen to you, to follow my passions, to fight for my dreams, without fear. I am 19 years old and full of hope. I will not let the disappointments drag me down, let the rampant pessimism hit me. I want to believe it, I want to give myself a chance. And I believe that in a world as black as today’s, the only way forward is to fight until the end. I will let hope carry me forward. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Julia B.

A few years have passed and. Since then, things have deteriorated vertically. But it is right, brave and healthy for you to maintain this warrior attitude, sweetest Julia. What to follow if not passions? And how to do it but with all your soul? Hugs to you.

Monster Hunt

Doing a quick zapping I realize that I am watching the monster hunt on every channel: the Ceste case, little Loris, and many others. But is there really a need to search, always and despite everything, for the root of these massacres? Guilty or not, I suffer for these people who fall into so much suffering. One should have a little more respect. The world is already full of so much evil. Hi Mina, -GI@D@

Respect: a feeling that causes us to recognize the rights, the dignity of someone or something. Does this definition seem to you to correspond to any contemporary happenings? Never. Mai, Jade. Better get used to it.


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They say about her

11 February 2015


Vanity Fair no. 6/2015

We told each other everything We told each other everything. You brought me words and stories of life, hoping that a vaguely maternal feeling was there to welcome them. Sometimes it was, almost out of a sense of identification. At other times, if my tranchant nature...

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Vanity Fair no. 4/2015

A special president of the Republic Dear Mina, Whenever I am in the car with my boyfriend and we put on "Water and Salt," we start singing it. But first he reminds me, "Okay, you leave, however, I'll do Mina." I laugh like crazy and think what you would think if you...

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Vanity Fair no. 3/2015

I am the last of the dreamers Dear Mina, While there was a funeral for Pino Daniele, thieves broke into the door of his house in Tuscany. Business never stops. Flabbergasted Let's pretend they were two, three four, I don't know, admirers of Pino Daniele's pure talent....

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Vanity Fair no. 2/2015

But love does not mean social networking Dear Mina, how are you? Has your leg, injured last year, healed? Walking around Milan, an idea came to me. Sometimes in the city you meet guys playing on the street or in the subway, and some are really good. They play famous...

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Vanity Fair no. 1/2015

There was a boy and there still is. Best wishes, Gianni. Hi Mina, did you see that? Gianni Morandi has turned 70 years old. It makes a big impression on me. I'm not really into pop music stuff, but I thought he had about 50, tops. But he made a deal with the devil,...

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